Additional evidence of feasibility and cost-efficacy of such programs is given by Dr. Edward Platzer of UC Riverside. He collaborates with Dr. Rafael Pacheco Pérez, the director of a mass culture program in Oaxaca City, Mexico, producing several Mermithid species on a large scale. In a recent letter he notes that while some hybridization efforts have not yet reached fruition, the mass culture efforts have been very successful and that there have been improvements in the culture that have cut costs (see Platzer letter). Dr. Platzer indicates that he would be pleased to assist Sac-Yolo in setting up a facility and staffing it.
It seems almost ridiculous for SYMVCD to consider
multiple millions of dollars in expenditures on insecticidal agents and
spend a dime on these safe and effective biological agents. The
comparisons should be obvious. On the one hand we have a material
efficacy and a guaranteed universal exposure to an incompletely
assessed risk;
and on the other we have a proven safe and effective set of biological
controls, which will be safe and effective tools in an arsenal to
general mosquito-borne illnesses into the future, well past the
presented by West Nile Virus.
When cost questions are introduced the comparison is
more exaggerated. The added labor required to culture the
District’s own
biological alternatives would end up both a benefit to community
employment and
substantially less costly for the District’s budget than procuring
poisons and
aircraft delivery systems. That the District is choosing ongoing
outlays for
100% depreciable investment in distributing poison as opposed to
investing in a
permanent facility for production of a renewable resource is beyond any
reasonable comprehension.
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