SYMVCD: Not to Worry – We Just Waste Taxpayer Money
SYMVCD does not articulate this directly, of
course, but let us parse what they do say. Capital
Public Radio quotes SYMVCD spokesperson Luz Rodriguez as
saying that they "spray less than an ounce per acre . . . an
amount so small it doesn't pose any health risks to humans."
Vector control and public health officials have stated this many
times, including before the Sacramento
City Council. There are some very inconvenient truths
relative to this claim, however. As we point out in "First, Do No Harm" acute effects can be
deadly, sub-acute effects are non-trivial, pesticides sprayed
through the air this way can trigger asthma, pesticide application
has unintended consequences, and there is no evidence whatsoever of
Wasted Tax Money With Ineffective
and Risky Treatments: According to figures obtained
from the district, the spraying in 2010 cost at least $349,846, and
the spraying in 2011 cost at least $140,222, for a total of over
$490,000. So, even if we accept the false premise of safety
behind Rodriguez' statement, given the paucity of evidence for
efficacy we might rephrase the statement as "since it doesn't work, we are only
wasting taxpayer money because it poses no health risks to humans."
And, what's a mere $490,000? It's only taxpayer money, of
course. Never you mind that it could either be credited to us
taxpayers or used to implement safe and
effective biological controls. But, the spray
unfortunately does pose a health risk to humans, so SYMVCD has put
us taxpayers in a lose-lose situation.